The AI Answer Bot for Slack 👩‍💻
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Overview of KNO

KNO is an innovative AI tool integrated with Slack, designed to swiftly provide accurate answers to general technical inquiries, particularly in AI and ML domains.

How Does KNO Work?

KNO leverages OpenAI’s powerful GPT models and custom designated sources to analyze queries and generate precise responses. It operates seamlessly within Slack, accessible via private chats or channel conversations.

KNO Features & Functionalities

  • Quick and precise responses to technical queries
  • Seamless integration with Slack for convenient usage
  • Utilizes advanced AI models for accurate information retrieval

Benefits of using KNO

  • Saves time by swiftly providing answers within Slack conversations
  • Enhances productivity by eliminating the need for manual research
  • Improves knowledge sharing within teams by providing instant access to information

Use Cases and Applications

  • Technical support: Instantly resolve technical queries within Slack channels
  • Knowledge sharing: Facilitate information dissemination among team members
  • Learning: Access educational resources and information on-demand

Who is KNO For?

  • Teams and individuals seeking quick and accurate responses to technical inquiries
  • Companies focusing on AI and ML development requiring efficient knowledge sharing tools

How to Use KNO

  1. Install KNO from the Slack app marketplace
  2. Access KNO within Slack channels or private conversations
  3. Type your query, and KNO will provide instant answers


  1. Q: Can KNO be customized to prioritize specific sources?
    Yes, KNO allows customization to prioritize knowledge from specific sources.
  2. Q: Is KNO suitable for non-technical users?
    While KNO specializes in technical queries, it can provide assistance to users of varying technical proficiency.
  3. Q: Does KNO require additional setup after installation?
    No, KNO is ready to use after installation with minimal configuration needed.
  4. Q: Can KNO be used in multiple Slack workspaces?
    Yes, KNO can be installed and utilized across multiple Slack workspaces.
  5. Q: Is KNO’s AI capable of learning from user interactions?
    KNO’s AI continuously improves its responses based on user interactions and feedback.
  6. Q: Is KNO’s usage limited to AI and ML topics?
    While KNO excels in AI and ML queries, it can also provide answers on a wide range of technical subjects.


KNO revolutionizes knowledge sharing and information retrieval within Slack, offering a user-friendly solution for quick and precise responses to technical inquiries. With its seamless integration and advanced AI capabilities, KNO enhances productivity and collaboration within teams, making it an invaluable tool for modern workplaces.

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